Black woman holding on to Bible

You want to work with someone who can provide spiritually integrated psychotherapy. As a Christian, you find comfort in working with a Christian Counselor. You’ve come to the right place if you want a Black, Christian Therapist that provides telehealth across NC. However, what exactly is Christian Counseling anyway? Maybe you are trying to see if what you’ve heard about Christian Counseling is true. Well, here are a few things to know about Christian Counseling. Likewise, if you are wondering what is not true, check out my previous blog on Myths about Christian Counseling. But for now, on to the truths…

There are different types of Christian Counselors:

Christian Counseling can be a very big umbrella term used to describe an array of different professionals who identify as providing counseling services that integrate your faith into their approach. You might see a pastoral counselor, pastor, counselor, biblical counselor, therapist, psychologist, mental health counselor, or clinical social worker… the list goes on. However, it’s not just entirely semantics. The nuances often make a difference. I am a therapist who identifies as a Christian, with training in clinical social work and theology. My graduate studies program was a dual degree MSW/MDiv focused on the intersections of the fields. Christian Counseling is one of several specialties people come to me for. The benefit of seeing a therapist as opposed to a pastor who provides counseling is that your therapist is ethically and legally bound to confidentiality with a few exceptions (most of which are safety related) that your therapist will go over with you. Sure, your pastor may say that it’s between you and them but who holds them accountable to that? There are very good pastors out there who do value and respect your confidentiality, but I’ve seen enough to know that not all do. Beyond confidentiality, working with a Christian therapist like myself allows you to explore your mental and emotional health holistically. Your pastor can speak with you about anything, but they may not be equipped to address your mental and emotional health.

We dig deep! - It’s not all about your faith!:

Pursuing Christian Counseling in Durham, NC with a psychotherapist is not all about your faith. We start by conducting an intake assessment that assesses your psychological well-being. Some therapists may include assessments that engage your spiritual wellness and how that intersects with your mental health. There are a variety of different approaches. The main focus in therapy is your mental health, but there are so many things that make up who you are. I take a biopsychosocialspiritual assessment. We review your upbringing, social history, health history, spiritual formation, trauma history, and more. This allows us to set goals towards improving your symptoms of anxiety, depression, or whatever else brings you in. Your faith can help us navigate your wellness journey, but if that’s the only thing you are interested in talking about you may be looking for a spiritual director, faith community, church, or spiritual/ministerial leader. 

We can work with clients of varying faith identities and spiritual orientations:

So you see the word Christian and think, oh never mind, I’m not a Christian. I can see how that could be a deterrent, but before you write off a Christian Counselor, ask them if they work with folks of different identities. I love working with people of different faith identities and spiritual orientations. I myself most often feel like a spiritual misfit. I use that term to describe that I am a person of faith whose core beliefs are in Christian theology, but I don’t quite fit into one space spiritually. If that’s you too, check out Therapy for Spiritual Misfits. I got you too. I have had the privilege of engaging in interfaith work, studying world religions, and loving and living with people of all different backgrounds. I believe that God’s love is wide and inclusive and there are no exclusion criteria for Agape (Divine) love. If you are exploring your faith, deconstructing your Christian faith, reconstructing your Christian faith, or identifying with a different religious tradition, I have the training and expertise to work with you too. I don’t know everything, but I am a curious, humble, and passionate learner and I will do everything I can to educate myself on your perspective while allowing you to craft and guide the experience you want. However you connect to God, having a theologically trained provider can benefit you. Reach out to me today to learn more about how working with me can help!

I hope this helps you find the right therapist in Durham, NC. I am a Black Therapist offering Telehealth across the state of North Carolina. If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call me at 919.213.9894 for a free 15-minute video consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help as a new mom, dad, or parent trying to cope with the ups and downs and changes that come with having a new baby, reach out to work with me, a certified perinatal mental health specialist. Likewise, if you are that spiritual misfit looking for someone to engage your spirituality in your mental health journey, connect with me today

Image by Balazs Toth via Canva Pro License


Christian Counseling Durham, NC: He’s a Mind Regulator!


Top 3 Myths About Christian Counseling in Durham, NC